In the dynamic landscape of media advertising, addressing clients’ needs often involves creative thinking and strategic innovation.

 At NRS Media, (since sold) we tackled a pressing concern for our clients by revolutionising their advertising contracts for radio, TV, and newspapers.

This blog delves into the issues we resolved, the methodology we employed, and the remarkable results we achieved.

Understanding the Problem

Media advertising transformation with 12-month contracts”

When I embarked on the journey with NRS Media, the prevailing practice was for media companies to sell their advertising space in short-term intervals: weekly, monthly, or at most, 3-month or 13-week blocks.

This approach limited the potential for both clients and media companies to establish meaningful, long-term partnerships.

Proposing a Bold Solution

I recognised the untapped potential of long-term advertising contracts and proposed a game-changing idea—a 12-month advertising contract. Branded Image Plus.

 The key to success lies in devising the right sales process that would enable this transformation.

This marked the inception of a transformative journey that would reshape the industry.

Executing the Solution

With a talented and dedicated team by my side, we set out to prove the viability of the 12-month advertising contract concept.

Our strategy was rooted in a simple yet effective sales process that demanded unwavering discipline from the team.

Our approach revolved around mastering fundamental presentation skills, honing closing techniques, and meticulous preparation.

These were the pillars that upheld our one simple concept, propelling us to achieve extraordinary results.

The Revelation: More than Just Sales

Beneath the surface of the sales figures and success stories, lay the real challenge—transforming media advertising from a transactional exchange into a relationship-driven partnership.

 The shift in perspective was transformative. We reframed the entire proposition by addressing three crucial questions:

  1. Do you encounter this problem?
  2. How does the unresolved issue impact your business?
  3. Are you open to exploring a collaborative solution?

The Impact and Results

Our approach had a resounding impact. By addressing the root problem and highlighting the potential consequences of not embracing change, we were able to foster genuine partnerships between media companies and clients.

The shift from selling media as a mere commodity to nurturing meaningful relationships redefined the advertising landscape.

Conclusion: The Power of Problem Solving

In essence, the story of NRS Media’s journey is that of a problem solver.

We demonstrated that by unravelling the complexities of an industry-wide challenge, addressing it creatively, and engaging clients in a meaningful dialogue, remarkable transformations are possible.

If you want your sales problems solved, my “SalesBlueprint Success Syndicate” is coming soon.

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Mike (Problem Solver) Brunel