How to Develop a Winning Mindset for Sales Success.

In my book “Selling is not optional”,  I outline the essential steps needed to navigate the sales journey successfully.

However, before delving deeper into these steps, it’s crucial to examine how our perception of sales influences our understanding of that journey.

Overcoming Negative Beliefs:

Sales are shaped more by how you think about it than by what you do.

We are talking about your mindset, your core beliefs about yourself as a salesperson, and about selling itself. Unfortunately, all too often, these beliefs are negative and limiting. However, when you change your perspective, you also change your results.

People often think selling is hard and assume that the ability to sell is an inborn trait.

They tell themselves, “I can’t sell. I tried it once and it didn’t work. I will look really stupid if I don’t close the deal.”

These limiting beliefs lead many talented people to conclude that they hate sales and will never be any good at it.

In contrast, people who have a more productive mindset around sales tend to think, “Sales is easy.

Salespeople aren’t born with something I don’t have. I can actually do this stuff.

If I have a great product and provide excellent service, then I should be able to make a sale.

After all, the customer gets a real solution to their problem from me.” A positive sales mindset always comes from understanding that a customer is a person with needs, wants, and desires that you can help them fulfil.

When you think about a sale that way, it becomes much easier to talk to that person about their problems and ask how you can make those problems disappear. The trick is to talk yourself out of the limited mindset and into a more expansive perspective.

In conclusion, having the right mindset is critical to success in sales.

It’s essential to view the customer as a person with unique needs, wants, and desires, and to approach every interaction with empathy and a problem-solving mindset.

By doing so, you can build stronger relationships with your clients and achieve better results in your sales journey.

Have a great week, everyone.



Here are 3 ways I can help you make more sales in your business – whether your business is big or small.

1. Try the new 7 Days to Sales Success Framework.

Make More Sales in 7 days. The framework of everything you need to get started in making more sales in your business. The Sales Success Framework is based on a simple 7-day challenge. Click here to find out how you can grow your business by making more sales.

2. Join our Private Facebook Group – The Salesmindset Inner Circle. Get all the latest up-to-date sales ideas.

Every week we do Facebook Live updates on all things sales. Tips, ideas, free coaching, and much more. Join me by clicking here.

3. Work with me One-on-One.

If you’re a business owner, small or large or in professional services you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from doubling your lead flow, revenue and impact. Jump on a FREE 15-minute Brainstorm call with me by clicking here.